Elizabeth's Story

Elizabeth was born in 2008. I had a very normal pregnancy and delivery. She was the most perfect baby girl. She never really had any problems, but I was noticing that she was not hitting her milestones like she should have, like crawling, rolling over etc. She wasn't talking either. After she turned two we decided to take her and get her evaluated, We found out that she had Autism. We acted very quick with the Early intervention, and started her therapy. after she turned 3 she began Special Ed Pre K, all this has majorly helped her, she isn't talking the greatest, but she is talking and answering questions and she is so incredibly smart. She knows her ABC's and knows how to count to 10, and knows all her colors. I am so thankful to have her in my life and to be her mother, she brings so much joy and happiness to anyone that she is around and everyone absolutely adores her. I used to be scared about her having Autism, but now I am not cause I know she will only get better, and I can't wait to see what her future holds!

Shawna Kanillopoolos
Clarksville, TN