Deja had a Journey

When you have a child, and you watch them grow you expect the good news at the doctors appointnent, conferences, as well as, daily! This story is a bit different. When Deja was not hitting her milestones, my mommy radar took over and I realized that something was very wrong. I took my daughter to the doctor, and we were then sent to a specialist and they diagnosed her with "Global Developmental Delay" and soon I learned that this was a diagnosis handed to patients, and in so many words meant "I am not sure what is wrong with your child, but she is not learnig/growing/progressing at the proper rate.
At this point I knew that I was my daughter's only hope, so I brought her to another doctor, until I was given a diagnosis, and that diagnosis was Autism.However, the doctor told me "Don't expect much from her and she will probably never talk!"
Deja started to attend Early Childhood Special Education, she had regular visits with specialists, OT, PT, Speech, and then regular school! I was not about to keep her from attending school like other kids her age... I advocated for my daughter because she deserved that. At a conference, one day, when she was four, a teacher told me that she was retarded and would never talk. I walked out in tears!
After her father and I divorced, when she was five, Deja started to speak, and she blossomed into a beautiful flower. I met someone new and he helped her to not be afraid of dogs, vaccums, loud trucks, etc...
Deja is now speaking, she is more open about feelings, is social and mainstream in school. DEJA SUTHERLAND has beat the odds, and BECOME HER OWN KIND OF BEAUTIFUL and MY HERO! Mommy loves you!

Beth Sutherland
Apple Valley, MN