Cole's Story

This is our son Cole. By the age of 1, we noticed that he wasn't developing like others his age. We thought that he would eventually do everything baby's his age do, but at his own pace. When he was 18 months old, his family doctor told me that she thought he was behind, and she wanted him to get checked by a pediatrician. We knew ourselves that there was something wrong with Cole because by 18 months, he wasn't saying any words, he didn't respond to his name, he didn't point or wave bye-bye and had an odd obsession with wheels and fans. I did some research on Autism and after that I knew that he would get the diagnosis. When the time came for his visit with the pediatrician, I prayed that I was wrong. I wasn't. And before his second birthday, we got the diagnosis. I don't think there is a worse feeling in the world than someone telling you there's something wrong with your child. I was angry, sad and I blamed myself. I wondered would my child ever have a "normal" life? Would he get to do the same things every other child does? After the diagnosis, it was no time until we started therapy. He's only been in therapy for two months but we see changes in Cole everyday. His eye contact is so much better and he's doing lots of gestural communication. I can't wait to see what else he will do in the months to come. He's the apple of our eye and makes us proud everyday! Everyone that knows Cole absolutely adores him and we have an awesome support system. I'm not sad or angry anymore because I know how truly blessed I am to have such a smart, handsome, fun loving, AMAZING son. He is my world and my reason for staying strong and positive!

Jill Yetman
St. John's, Canada