
Dominik was born full-term and healthy.Until potty training,he hit all of his milestones on time or before.Then we started to notice that he isolated himself from others, though still wanting relationships.He had a hard time looking others in the eye and was behind socially and immature.I took him in for a screening and was told he had red flags for Asperger's.Got him evaluated and was told that because he wanted relationships he wasn't autistic but ADHD with some anxiety and other stuff going on.I chose to medicate to help with his impulsivity and his tendency to have meltdowns so severe he turned to self-destructive behavior and self-harm.The school labeled him and began to tell me that my academic concerns were caused by behavior issues and that I needed to get his medications straightened out before they would talk about it, though none of the medications typical for ADHD were successful.Others judged me as a bad mother and there were times when I thought they may be right.I did everything I could think of at home and in the school.I attended the IEP meetings,I disciplined at home,i emphasized the importance of a good education and appropriate behavior but nothing seemed to work.I thought I had no more fight left until my son brought home drawings indicating suicidal thought and I pushed for further medical attention only to be told I "latched on to diagnosis".It's just ADHD,not Autism.I changed doctors and found a team who listened to me.They evaluated him again and determined that my son has mild autism.Something finally felt right.Now my son participates in O.T,play therapy and medication treatments and has come so far in just a few months.He started Middle school and we've had our first IEP meeting.I walked away with tears in my eyes because,for once, they are listening to me.They are addressing concerns I've been yelling about for years.I'm learning to understand my son,as he learns to understand himself.It's been a long journey of tears,fears,guilt and frustration but I think we are finally on our way to my son finding success within himself.So proud!

Davenport, IA