Christopher was a normal 1 yr old..

My son Christopher was a normal, happy 1 year old. Meeting milestones and even learned to walk at just under 1 years old! Then right before his 2nd birthday he quit talking, quit his normal behaviors. Started stimming, his is a bouncing against a wall making a humming noise, and spinning toys. He was fascinated with anything that had a motor or tires. Fans mesmerize him for hours. He would also get strange fixations on household appliances and I've lost several hair dryers to this obsession. He was diagnosed with Autism at 2 1/2. Many family members couldn't believe he was Autistic, having seen that happy, NORMAL one year old. Even his father was doubtful and I still believe he is. I enrolled him in a developmental program at 3 and he started speech and occupational therapy. He was evaluated at severely developmentally disabled and even I was thinking "How can this be?" He knows his colors, he knows some letters, numbers, objects. He just didn't speak or apply the things he knew in a classroom setting. 6 months in speech and occupational therapy and my Christopher told me he loved me for the first time. I cried. Hearing those words in his sweet voice was a precious gift and I'm thankful for the hard work the staff at the developmental program put into my precious boy. There is hope. He's coming out of his shell a little more every day. I see him as a genius trapped. His emotions and feelings are unfiltered and just a little harder to express. I can't imagine his frustration on being misunderstood so much or stared at or treated like he's mentally challenged. This has been a lesson for all of us in tolerance and Christopher sets the biggest example of all!

Salisbury, NC