
4 years ago, a rather ignorant sixteen year old girl, let's call here ME, was attending a democratic school in Israel where the kinder garden was joined with the rest of the school. That's where I met an angelic,beautiful 4 year old who gave my life proportion and changed who I was in the best way possible. He was screaming his head off the first time I saw him, curled up in the sand box by the fence. no one seemed to pay attention to him so I told one of the teachers he was crying, the teacher tried to calm him down but he wont listen, he wont look him in the eyes. It turned out that he was crying because his twin sister had just lost her first tooth that morning, and he panicked because he hadn't, and couldn't understand why. "We're twins, aren't we?" he asked, wiping, truly frightened "we're supposed to do everything together." and then he whispered to him self: "what's wrong with me?". That was the moment I realized there was something different about that boy. His wit, his pure logical analyze of things, and his naive, clear thinking made me want to know more about him. So I did. I've done some research, and learned a new, fascinating word: AUTISM. That single word opened a door for me to a world I can only describe as magical. It was his brain's that made me curious about the subject, but it was the look in his eyes that made me fall inlove. With him, with the autism world in general. I now know I want to work with special kids. it was the purity, kindness, and wisdom in those baby blue's that made me believe in angels. and in myself. my future.

Tel Aviv, Israel