About Noah !!!!

My sons name is Noah he is now 4 years old.
I started to notice a little after 18 months that Noah stopped saying words like "mama" "dada" and that his eye contact when you were speaking to him, he wouldn't look at you. I waited awhile prior to calling the dr thinking maybe it was just a phase he was going though, I would sit with him daily saying " say mama" I was so torn inside .
I called the dr and they sent me to birth to three and also to the children's hospital to get the evaluation for autism.
We got started with the birth to three program and they qualified him for autism services, at this time is was about 9 months that we were going to have to wait to see the children's hospital. Birth to three came in 5 days a week 2-3 hours a day, he received speech , behavioral services , and OT.
Meanwhile all this was going on I went back and thought where did I go wrong? Did I eat something? Was this my fault? My guilt was overwhelming. Between myself and my husband and the team from birth to three we gave Noah everything he needed. Now at 4 years old Noah talks , goes to the pre- school program he still receives OT and has an aide on the bus and when needed in the classroom now. He's come along way and we are so proud of him. Being told your child has Autism is not easy and thankfully my family has really come together. I'm thankful everyday for all the love and support we have and continue to receive.
Thank you for allowing families to share their stories I think it helps every parent hear the different stories.

Brittany Auxier
Lisbon, CT