A Ray of Sunshine

At 23 I wasn't ready to be a mother. My story is unusual one, and one that most people don't believe. I carried my oldest son all 9 months without knowing I was carrying him. Easter Sunday in 2005 I gave birth to a baby boy, alone in my home. I had no phone, and no way to get in touch with anyone. My husband came home after Easter Dinner, to find me and our little boy. We were rushed to the hospital and looked over. He was fine, while I had a little scratch and an infection, with a fever that wouldn't go down. for the first 2 years of his life, we just thought he had ADD, but after 3 more years of wondering, and with him starting school, we knew there was something special about him. We had him tested in Feb in 2011 and he was diagnosed as a high functioning Autistic. Since then we have learned that even though he is Autistic that he is still like any other child. He has fears, he loves us, and he goes about with a smile that is always like a ray of sunshine for all the world to see. I pray everyday that people will not stare at him and wonder what is wrong with him, or that we are bad parents, but understand that our son is special in so many ways. My heart goes out to all the parents that read this and hopefully it will give them some faith and hope that they will find people that will understand what we are all going through.

Happy with my ray of sunshine.

Buena Vista, VA