A Love Like No Other

When my son was little I sacrificed everything within me to "fix" him. The blow of an Autism diagnosis was unacceptable. I cried, I researched, I called, I begged, I
did whatever I could within mypower to take this foreign entity away. I spent so much time trying to "fix" my son, running trials, trying different meds and setting up schedules that I was exhausted! One day it hit me out of nowhere who is he? I have never really taken the time to really get to know my child. From that day forward I started looking at Autism not as an invader, but part of who my son was. Just maybe if I would take the time to get to know him I would learn something. Oh boy, did I learn! Just to name a few I learned humility, compassion, patience and most importantly unconditional love. What a Great feeling! In Jan my son will be 21 years old. There have been some really tough times, hospitalizations, crisis situations, surgeries, chronic illnesses, severe aggression but through all the tears and frustration his unconditional love has been such a treasured gift. It is a gift I am priviledged to receive and hold dear to my heart. I'm glad I have gotten to know my son and I realize now he never needed to be fixed. All he ever needed is what we all desire in life, to be loved.

Asheboro, NC