Stories of Hope

Share your inspiring, hopeful story of how autism touched you.

Lucas' Story

Lucas' Story

Lucas was born in 2006. He was a horrific sleeper as a baby, and I didn't think much of it. I figured he was just a fussy baby. He was developing perfectly normal until he had non-stop ear infections from 18 months until 3. His hearing during that period was like someone listening through a door or a wall. When he had the tubes put in his ears and still didn't develop much speech he was officially diagnosed Autistic. We were big on the early intervention. He is 5 1/2 now and is in his third year of special ed pre-k. He is in speech and occupational therapy and is progressing well. Lucas is one of the most affectionate little boys, and you can always count on him for a hug. He is very intellignent and loves music. The one thing I can say as a mom of a child with Autism, you are your child's biggest advocate. When he was diagnosed and they were trying to base it solely on his lack of eye contact I was in that therapists face. You have to be the one to speak up for them until they can do it themselves. I am in constant contact with Lucas' teacher, and I was invited by her last year to go to an early education conference for special needs kids. It amazing to try and see things through my son's eyes. He inspires me every daay to slow down and enjoy the little things.

Anacortes, WA

My little Hero.

Hello!! My son Jaden was diagnose with spectrum autism its been really hard because been a single mother I had to adjust a lot.; but I love my son and I would go to the end of the world for him; he still has a lot of speech problem but I will be here until the end. Love you my little hero.

miami, FL

Brendon's Success Story

Brendon's Success Story

My son, Brendon lost the ability to clap his hands, point, say simple words such as mama, baba, etc...This concerned me & I asked his pediatrician about his symptoms after doing much research on Autism online. She then referred me to a developmental pediatrician in which I was told it would be at least 4 months before I could get an appointment. I did not want to wait for my son to begin to get the help he desperately needed and so I took it upon myself to bring him to the National Autism Center in Randolph, MA. He then went through a series of tests and trials to determine his diagnosis. He was diagnosed as Autistic at the age of 2. He promptly began ABA therapy in the home and also had early intervention to help him learn to use sign language and make simple sounds. I really never thought I would see the day that he would be able to say Mama or I love you. Once he turned 3 he entered preschool in a special education program. He continued to receive speech and occupational therapy. He is now 4 years old and has recently been integrated into a regular classroom setting!! He can speak in full sentences and continues to receive speech and occupational therapy. His teacher says that his math skills are that of a kindergartener already! He has come so far that it is absolutely amazing. Never gave up hope for my son and always treated him as if he did not have a disability. I am so blessed to have had this experience and to watch him grow and develop into the wonderful, caring, beautiful child that he is.

Dartmouth, MA

Autism doesn't stop wisconsin teen from success!

There is a great story about a 17 year old from Fond du Lac Wisconsin who has overcome many things to be part of his high school swim team.
His name is Hunter Develice. It is on the front page today.

Fond du Lac, WI

When Words Fail, Autism Sings!

When Words Fail, Autism Sings!

When our son Reid was diagnosed with autism at around age three, we were offered very little hope that he would ever make any significant progress in his development. His communication skills were minimal, was delayed in his motor skills, and his behaviors were extremely violent. The only recommendation given to us was to institutionalize him.

As that was not an option for our family, what followed was years of trial and error, faith and perseverance, and a stubborn adherance to any little shred of hope we could muster. Since Reid was diagnosed at a time when there were few options and services available for parents, this was not always easy. So, slowly and with a great deal of hard work, Reid made tremendous progress throughout the years, and now at 26 years of age, it is hard to believe that this is the same little boy that was once given such a grim prognosis.

About four years ago, we discovered quite by accident that Reid has a natural talent for singing. Over the last three years he has performed with Pyramid Inc., which is an organization which provides services for developmentally disabled adults in the performing and visual arts. He has sung in venues throughout the state of Florida and in many local community events.

Reid is now living his dream of being a performer and entertainer and is using his talents to help educate the public that having a disability does not mean having a lack of ability. We believe that everyone has gifts and talents that can be shared.

Reid has gained a number of supporters who have started a fan club for him on facebook. He also has numerous videos on youtube. He is doing his part to spread autism awareness. When words fail, autism sings!

Jo Soria
Fort Walton Beach, FL

My entire life with Asperger's

Before I was even born, I had a stroke while my mom was in labor. She needed an emergency C-section as soon as medical professionals found out. After 4 days of being in the ICU, my dad noticed one of my eyes wouldn't open. Then he told the nurse, who told my doctor, who rushed me into surgery. Because of my surgery, I survived, and I am 24 years old today. I love making jewelry, and other things with beads and wire. If it weren't for having Asperger's I may not have become a jeweler and a future business owner.

Portland, OR

My autistic daughter

My 8 year daughter has autism, seizures and mild aortic stenosis. She was diagnosed with seizures at 1 years old, she was diagnosed with autism at 2 years old and a year ago she was diagnosed with mild aortic stenosis. When Antonia was a year old she lost her baby sister. She has 2 older sisters named Chloe and Sophia. She has 3 stepsisters and 1 stepmother. Chloe, Sophia, Antonia and even though Jocelyn is an angel in heaven they all have brought joy in my life. Antonia has made a big difference in my life. She has made me look at things differently. I look at her and I wouldn't change her for the world. She has brought joy laughter tears into my life. She is a loving sweet caring 8 year old. I look at her and think about all the people who are missing out on watching her grow up.

Misty Mott
Tulsa, OK

My Autistic Son Michael

I first found out my son was autistic when he was 5yrs old. He was in preschool and he was different from other kids, he didn't talk much and certain noises made him uncomfortable and he would always jump around, run back and forth and wave his hands a lot. We had him tested and our fears were confirmed he is autistic. That was 7 yrs ago, he is now a 6 the grader in middle school, he has come such a long way. He is starting to come out of his shell more. He is doing things he would never do before like play on a basketball team, trying new foods, noises that used to bug him seem to not bug him as much anymore and other things. He still has social problems but he is taking a class to help him with that and he is lucky enough to have a Best friend that helps and encourages him. I still wonder what life will be like for him as a adult but I try not to worry and just take it day by day.

Milwaukie, OR

Living within the normal

My son wrote this Essay... He is autistic and 12 years old! Enough Said

I have been bullied countless times. I am extremely stressed by how much I have been bullied. I know there are other kids being bullied too. I feel like it just keeps going.

There are different kinds of bullying. Some cases its physical and some are verbal. Sometimes the verbal is worse than the physical. I have been cussed at, been told I was gay, that I don't matter to anyone. It hurts, It feels like someone punching me.

I sometimes don't want to eat at school in front of the other kids. They call me names when I eat. I just don't get it. Something needs to change. I would like to help with creating a safer bully free environment.

Bullying is a hard conflict to deal with. It can make you feel sad, depressed, angry, abused or alone! I want it to STOP! I would like to work together on changing the bullies' behavior. I think that the bullies need to know how they are making others feel. I don't think that the bullies understand how much it hurts.

I feel like the bullying is being accepted when really it needs to change NOW! I think that if we all work together we can at least help get through to at least one bully. I am trying to deal with everything I go through and sometimes it feels like I don't want to go tell anyone because they don't care either.

I think that T.H.E. needs to work harder to end bullying! (T.H.E is his school)

Olympia, WA

Joey <3

Joey <3

This is Joey, and I'm his big sister Lindsey. Joey changed my life.. I cannot put in to words how special this little boy is to a number of people. Family is everything to me and I would not change any one of them for the world. Joey is a special member of our family.

Westerville, OH