Stories of Hope

Share your inspiring, hopeful story of how autism touched you.

Essence of Form

Essence of Form

I have tested very high for Asperger's Syndrome, and have personality traits associated with Autism. Verbal communication, social groups, and social settings can present mild to severe challenges for me. Artistry and creativity are true voices for me, visual expression making more sense than most other forms of communication. The solitary essence of form speaks clearest.

Jack Carl Anderson
Seattle, WA

Learning from Gabriel

Learning from Gabriel

When I got pregnant at 19, I researched and planned and prepared for EVERYTHING! When our son, Gabe, was born, he was more perfect than we could have imagined. He was developing at an advanced rate and everything was easy… until about 7 months old when everything stopped. He became withdrawn, not social. He had ritualistic behaviors. He would not let us teach him anything. His development was halted until one day he picked up a stack of cups. My one year old could stack 10 cups without effort in seconds. We were amazed! We also knew something was different about him.

He received the official diagnoses of regressive autism at 2 years old. It was a curveball. Again, I did my research and learned as much as I could about it. I'm still amazed by him on a daily basis. He understands nature in a way that I only WISH I could. He's touched everyone's heart and has taught me all about patience and perseverance.

He carries those stacking cups everywhere as a trophy of his first big accomplishment. No one can touch them. Funny, because I carry him around the same way. No matter how much research I had done, or how much I prepared for this child, he was going to be the one to teach me everything.

Breaux Bridge, LA

My Brothers

People say my brothers have autism but I dont thinkk so they have their own personality that defines them just because they arent you and me doesnt mean they arent like us.My brothers have taught me that they dont care what people say about them and that they do what they believe in their mind is correct.Yes they miht be slow and sometimes you cant undrstand them but they are brothers tgat I love.

Lexington Park, MD

autism dsnt stop me

im adult wth autism-al mi life i hav fought tu gt independence fr miself -im an artist an ilustrator whm didnt talk until i ws 12 or 13-b k whn i ws growin up in 60s nt mch was knoun abt mi dsab ility as we ar a mistery an stil is -autism afects everythng ab out u -interactin qwth ppl is mi b ggest chalinges an mi art cmunikates when im unab le tu -i adv ocate an promo as autism tu me is important caus i want othr autistiks tu hav a future b etter then the groupo homes an fster homs i livv ed in b ein told i cnt achieve-autism is a misterry yese same as mui dylexia im a fighter fr autism equazlity an our dignity as ppl-al mi life i struggled tu fuit ina werld nor t created fr ppl with autism-society needs tu understand tht we hav ab ility an that we can du many things dspoite the limitations tht autism imposed on me -im independent an hav b een severl years an i hlp tu mak the werld lern tolerance an avceptance fr ppl lik me in the werk i du over internet in gttin aceptance out -autism is how mi brain ws created beautifulli different an im loud an im proud that im autistik

paonia, CO


We first found out that my son Jesiah had Aspergers when he was 3yeats old. I was a young mother and had no idea what this was or how it would effect our lives. Jesiah had very little communication, and absolutely no social tendencies. We started him in school early, he started working with a speech therapist, and really took to a classroom setting. Today he is in the 5th grade, in a regular class setting. He attends an EXPO class three times a week, to challenge his very working mind. And is learning to switch from class to class in preparation for 6th grade. He also has an amazing vocabulary (you can't get him to shut up most days lol) we have learned to embrace and love his Aspergers, because with out it, he just wouldn't be Jesiah. He touches everyone that he comes in contact with, he is funny and so very smart.We absolutely love him, and are so proud of the handsome young man he has become!

Denton, TX

Surprise Surprise

My name is Elizabeth Abagail Bemke, I was about 11 or 12 when I was told I was autistic and had aspergers syndrome! Ever since I have been told I was autistic I have pushed myself harder in school, so I can accomplish big dreams of mine.
Example: I used to be in special ed. classes like math, but I didn't want to be seen as not smart or cant do regular classes like everyone else. So, I started to worked over what my other special ed. classmates so I could continue math but in average or even advanced classes! Now I have passed Algebra with regular classmates and hope to do geometry and calculus!

Elizabeth Bemke
Sparta, WI

For Gage

For Gage

On May 7, 2009 my son Gage was born and I fell in love with him in a instant. Gage was such a different baby from day one. His older siblings were colicky and cried allot but Gage was a much happier baby. I started to notice small things about him that worried me right after he turned 1. I think that as a mom and a woman that there is no better gift than your instincts. You should always trust your instincts because from my experience they are always right. Everyone in the family was in denial and kept telling me that he was just a "late bloomer" but by the time Gage was 2 and he wasn't talking there was no denying that there was a problem. I set out on a journey to get answers for Gage around the time he turned 2. It was a very long and lonely journey. Doctors were no help really. They tell you that there are "markers" for autism but other than sending us for a speech evaluation that was all they did. It was up to me and me alone to get the answers but in my heart I already knew what the diagnosis would be. After speech evals and hearing tests and 2 visits to two different psychologists we finally got the diagnosis of Autism. I went through the anger, sadness and grief stages after the diagnosis but then I quickly made it my life's mission to get all the information and help for Gage that was within my reach. I encourage parents to get early intervention for their children if you suspect Autism. It is the most important thing. I will never stop fighting for Gage. I am his Voice and he has my heart.

Rebekah Helton
Rogersville, TN

Amazing, Unique,Talented, Intelligent, Super, Marvelous

When Renia turned three and her speech wasn't where we felt it should be, we told her doctor. He said not to worry and that it was just speech delay. He recommended speech therapy and we agreed to that. However, at age 4 when she started preschool, we were still concerned about her speech. Also, a few other people had mentioned autism to us before but we didn't know anything about it. Her doctor's assistant saw Renia in 2011 and told us we should have her evaluated and tested for autism. She said even if she doesn't have it, it would be good to know for sure. Several months went by while we waited to for her to be tested, and in June of 2012, it was confirmed that she had mild to moderate autism, high functioning.
Renia is a very happy child. She started taking drum lessons at age 3, and dance classes at age 4. She's super energetic, always playing and moving about. She loves the computer. She even knows how to shut the computer down! As I am concerned about her beginning elementary school, I have faith that she will do just fine. I refuse to let this stop her from achieving great things. My husband and I have to encourage her. We have to support her. We have to be an advocate for her until she's able to speak for herself. And if her speech doesn't fully develop, our love for her doesn't stop. I love my child unconditionally. I believe God has purpose for my daughter. Believe in your children, encourage them, pray for them, utilize all the services available and it will okay.

Acquanetta Moore
Detroit, MI

should I use this bathroom

I remember when my son was about 4 or 5 and we were walking through an airport and he had to use the bathroom. So I took him in the Ladies room with me, and he used the bathroom. Little did he know that the toilet would make a huge NOISE and flush on its own. He became hysterical, and I couldn't figure out what was wrong. We didn't know at that time that he had Aspergers, so today, that explains it all. But today, at age 11, he still won't go near those huge sounding toilets. So parents, take notice of what may bother your child consistently. Especially if it has to do with a texture of clothing or a food, a sound. May God Bless all parents dealing with this difficult situation.

tamie crist
nashua, NH

8 Year Old With Autism’s Inspirational Story of Cheerleading

8 Year Old With Autism’s Inspirational Story of Cheerleading

A Dream Come True for 8-year old New Jersey Girl

On Saturday, August 18, 2012, the New York Jets played the New York Giants in a preseason game at MetLife Stadium. During halftime, a group of 150 girls ages 7 to 14, the New York Jets Junior Flight Crew, were on the field and performed with the New York Jets Flight Crew in front of 80,000 fans. One member of the Junior Flight Crew, Jadyn Waiser, has Autism.

Denise Garvey, Director of the New York Jets Flight Crew Cheerleaders, was integral in helping to make this opportunity possible for Jadyn. Ms. Garvey and the New York Jets Cheerleaders were excited to have her in the Junior Program and were eager to show everyone what a child with a disability can do. Jadyn had an amazing time participating in all the practices and rehearsals with the other members of the Junior Flight Crew. The New York Jets Cheerleading organization has set an example for all; that every child with a disability deserves a chance.

Jadyn was diagnosed with Autism at the age of 2. She has limited verbal skills, a short attention span, along with significant challenges with social interactions and school academics. Jadyn’s parents are determined to provide Jadyn with opportunities to learn and fully participate in the community. She loves cheerleading and last year she cheered on a local challenger squad.

Jadyn has been accompanied to cheerleading practices and will be on the field with Jenna McBride, who has been working with Jadyn for the past 4 years in various after school activities and day camp.
Along with cheerleading, Jadyn enjoys swimming, ballet, and Disney World. When asked what she wants to be when she grows up, Jadyn replied, “Cheerleader.”

Bridgewater, NJ