Thrown from a car in the dark.

My husband and I were returning home from an evening out with friends. Traveling our regular route from town, we were going past a park where the speed limit is 20mph. A white SUV ahead of us slowed almost to a stop, the passenger door opened and a dog was held out and dropped to the road. We could see him in our headlights. Looking stunned and afraid, he turned to watch the car as it sped away.
We hit the brakes and parked. A car behind us did the same. We jumped out and my husband went after him. The dog had walked out into the middle of the road The people behind us were also out of their car and running up to us. When I came around to my husband, I could see the hope in the eyes of the dog. He was a mid-sized pit bull/boxer looking dog with a beautiful brindle coat. He let my husband take hold of his collar, and they walked to the back of the car.
There was lots of chattering by all of us; "Did you see that?", "That poor dog.", "How can somebody do that." "Is it okay?" My husband looked up at me and said "Do you want another dog?" My response was quick and emphatic. "Absolutely!" The driver of the other car said he would take him if we didn't. But it was decided. We got into the car with him on my lap and started home. I was looking at his coat and his face. He looked concerned so I talked to him about how beautiful he was and that he had a stripped coat like a Tiger. My husband asked, "So will that be his name?" I thought that was perfect, so that night, instead of becoming a thrown-away dog, he became a Tiger.
He had a couple of issues that love and trip to the vet easily took care of. After being neutered, he settled down and fit into our Pack perfectly.
Tiger has been with us for 4 years now. He has a sweet disposition and loves to cuddle. His joy and love for us is most noticeable by the thumping of his tail when we call his name or just walk into the room. We love him the same as he loves us, unconditionally.
