The Story of Eddie

My friend, Esther, had a friend who worked with the humane society as a side job. Esther told me about a cat who had been rescued and needed a home. I told her I already had 3 cats and I didn't need a fourth. She tried showing me a picture of the cat but I didn't want to look. She somehow got the picture in front of my face. "His name is Eddie -- how cute is that?" She suggested we go to this woman's house to see the cat. I said no because I knew if I saw this cat he was coming home with me. Esther called her and we drove over. So, I met Eddie.... He meowed and purred when I pet him. He was so friendly! I told the woman that I would take him until she found someone else. Yeah.... right!

She told me his story. He was 8 years old. His family had gone away but left him some food -- enough to last him 2 or 3 days. I don't know if his family intended to be away for only 2 or 3 days or what but he was rescued 2 weeks later. He had eaten whatever he could find: aluminum foil, cardboard, plastic... He had licked the toilet bowl dry. I'm not sure how he came to be rescued.

He was part of our family for 6 years. He just settled in when I brought him home. My other 3 cats accepted him like he had always lived with us. The picture is the one I took the first night he spent in our home. He found my bed and my pillow.

Tanya Kessler
Chapleau, Canada