The Immigrant Puppy

My grandson was on a High School trip to visit the exchange student from the year before, and while in Mexico City they came across a boy selling puppies out of a cardboard box. They were really too small to be away from their mother, and the smallest one looked almost dead. My grandson paid a few pesos for the smallest pup, and, because they were staying with a family, and not in a motel, the adults helped him take the pup to a vet. The vet said the puppy was only about a month old, weighed less than a half pound, and was too little to be away from it's mother, but they got the pup stabilized and got milk replacer to feed her. She perked up with food and care, and in a couple days when it was time to come home, my grandson put her in a doggie-purse and got on the plane. He had papers from the vet, but since she was so tiny, no one even noticed she was on the plane. At home here, she turned in to your basic happy, silly puppy, so she earned the name Dizzie, for the way she would run in circles. She has no papers of any kind, of course, but she looks and acts like a Jack Russell Terrier, so that's what we say she is. We call her our Immigrant Dog. Grandson has a full time job, and Dizzie lives with me now, but she is the best "souvenir" anyone ever brought me from a vacation!

Audrey Hildebrand