The Greatest Gift

My daughter and son in-law moved into my home with their two cats which they rescued from the local animal shelter just before they moved in. One of their cats was named Mittens.

My husband lived with me at the time and, for some reason, Mittens felt the need to protect me from him at all cost. She would go with me everywhere (in every part of the house), and would not leave my side when I was home. She would spend all night (every night) watching over me as I slept, and she made me feel very safe when she did this. My husband turned out to be a very bad man. As it turned out Mittens had known that all along. She would growl at him whenever he was near me. She put herself between my husband and me so she could protect me. She did not care if she was putting herself in harm's way to protect me. She just did it.

Finally I convinced my husband it was best for him to move out and found him a place to live. I offered to move him out of my house and into an apartment and he agreed. I finally moved my husband out of my house. Now it is Mittens and me. Mittens is very relieved. I can see it on her face.

Mittens still does everything with me and still and never leaves my side. She loves me so very much, and I love her just as much. My daughter saw the love between Mittens and me and the joy and happiness we bring to each other. In fact my daughter claims Mittens "stalks" me and we have a good laugh about it. Since my daughter saw all the love between Mittens and me, she did the ultimate thing and gave me Mittens.

Mittens is truly a remarkable cat and I consider her the greatest gift I have ever been given.
