The Dog that I DIDN"T want

I had just lost my 2 family pups after over 10 years of their unconditional love. I missed it. I convinced my husband to let me get another dog and he agreed. I went to the local shelter knowing what type and look I wanted in a new family member. Black and/or white, long hair and NOT a pit bull breed. I walked into the shelter and all I heard was barking. Then I heard it, a faint whimper. I followed the sound looking at all dogs along the way. Finally I found the whimper. A skinny, brown short haired pit bull mix!! The person in charge of that area asked if I would like to give him a treat and of course I did. I put my hand into the opening and he took the treat with, not his teeth, but with his tongue! So we went outside so we could get to know each other better and all he did was give me kisses. Of course that sealed the deal for me! Then came the bad news. He had just been turned in the day before by a person who found him wandering the local street so I had to wait 10 days before I could bring him home. I called every day until I finally got the OK to pick him up. He is the sweetest dog I EVER had and he thanks me every day for choosing him and I thank him every day for choosing me. He is the love of my life and I would do anything to keep him from harm. I just love him so much as does my husband.
