Tank gets the life of Riley

A couple of months after I lost my best friend, my husband, I picked up looking at petfinder for that rottweiler puppy he had wanted me to get. I came across this beautiful face, a big pup named Tank, obviously not a rottweiler. 'URGENT! URGENT!' was across the top of the page. The rescue information said he was only 100 miles away from me, so I called to see what Urgent meant. Kyla begged me to come look at him... he was on his last day! So, I went. He was such a beautiful pup I had to give him a chance. I changed his name to Riley, because I wanted to give him 'the life of Riley'. He was heavily heartworm positive when my vet checked him out. We followed everything the vet said, and it was a little scary, but he came through it like a champ. I may have changed his name, but they still call my big lovable pup Riley Tank at my vet office.
I knew from the first night home that we were gonna make it. He seemed to know he was rescued when he sat in front of me and gazed up at my eyes. He learned everything so quickly. I'm a truck driver, so he's traveled all over the U.S. in my big truck, making friends whatever he went. Whenever we got back to the company yard and walked in, all the guys in the shop and office were hollering, "Hey Riley! How are you boy?" Everybody loves Riley.
Now, I'm retired, sort of. I transport dogs for a couple rescue groups near me. Riley gets to meet some of them when I foster for a day, and he goes with me whenever he can. He's always happy to see me when I get home if he doesn't get to go.
I wanted to give Tank a good life, but he gave me so much more. In the beginning, a reason to get out of bed and keep going every day. He's been the best boy, an intuitive and comforting friend, a protector and a joyful comic. I gave Tank the life of Riley, but he rescued me.

Darlene Wellman