Sweetie-Boy Not so Feral

The year was 2005. One day there was an all-black cat at my back door meowing. While he didn't look hungry, I fed him anyway. Meanwhile, I already had 3 cats of my own. As I was putting the food out for this all black cat, I hear another cat crying under my car. I look to see the cutest little orange and white cat so I fed him too. However, this little guy was not as brave as his friend. He wouldn't come out until I left the area. Come to find out, the all black cat was a neighbors cat who just wanted a free meal and the little orange and white cat was indeed a stray. So it happened I made sure I fed this little guy every day. I was in touch with Hull Animal Rescue and we made plans to have him trapped and neutered. I went to visit him while he was at the vet but he just hissed and spit at me, and clearly was not happy to be locked up. I asked if he could be socialized and they said no. They said he had been a stray for at least 1-2 years and was too wild to be socialized. They said they would release him back to my house and I could continue to feed him. Luckily for me, I had an enclosed back porch with heat and I had a cat door installed for this little guy I now called "Sweetie-Boy". Every morning I would open the back door to put his food and water out and he would purr when he saw me and the food coming. Little by little, he let me in the same space as him and soon he was brushing up against my legs as if to ask to be petted. Then you guessed it, I was able to pet him. Then I was able to sit with him. Then I was able to introduce my cats to him. Then he became a permanent part of our family and never returned to the outdoors. It took a little while but he turned into the most gentle little guy. We had many wonderful years together and he was happy at home with me and his furry friends. I lost Sweetie-Boy last year to cancer. He entered into my life in 2005 and left this world in 2018, but will remain forever in my heart.

Jean Ricciuti