Some Bunny to Love

When my wonderful black cat Raven passed away in April of 2017, followed by the loss of my friend's darling rabbit Snoopy, I was sent into a spiral of grief I didn't think I'd ever escape from. Last year, I decided that a new friend might help. Why not a rabbit? After looking around and reading a few books, I realized I didn't know much about rabbits, even after knowing Snoopy for so long. I decided I wanted a rescue and went to check out our local House Rabbit Chapter. We took an educational class and then went to meet the rabbits available. None of them were really that interested in me and if was beginning to feel discouraged until I got to the cage of a big white rabbit with brown markings. His name was Curtis and when I said hello to him, he jumped up and practically threw himself at the side of his cage to get to me! When they took him out for me to get acquainted, he hopped right over and snuggled next to me, even getting on my lap for kisses! I was told he'd never acted like that for any of the other people who looked at him, just me. That settled it! A few days later, I took him home. He's been such a help in helping me heal. I'm so glad he chose me as his forever human!

Marie Carter