Sisters from different mothers

It took us nearly a year to make the decision after we had to let our beautiful Yellow Lab mix, L.B. cross the rainbow bridge. Our two grandsons had been asking us for a cat for a long while and we finally decided it was time. I searched online at first, because I had lost my best pal, Ginger, an incredibly people-intelligent Tortie some years earlier and hoped I might find another. I did find a year-old one that was the spitting image of Ginger. But he boys wanted a kiiten. So we went to the Simi Valley shelter to look for one. There, we found an adorable brown tabby. It took a while for the girls, Shadow (the kitten) and Scout to acclimate to us and each other. But they grew so close in that first few months that you would think they were sisters. They have been with us for four-plus years now and our furniture is getting lovingly threadbare. But we wouldn't have it any other way.

Burton Weinstein