Our Little Boy

We already had a 2 year old Maltese Shitziu who was wonderful and fun. My daughter called me one day and said that this person she knew had a Poodle, Bichon, and the dog was being abused. He was still a puppy, only 12 weeks old. So my daughter went over there and took the dog away from her. The owner, thankfully, gave him up. This little guy was so traumatized, he would just sit in a corner. He wouldn't let us hug him or cuddle him. BUT, he would cuddle to up our other dog. Our other dog became his savior... his big brother. It took exactly one month before our little one finally realized that it was ok to be loved; to play and to be cuddled. Now he is 10 years old and a healthy, happy pup. He and his big brother are very bonded however and cannot be separated. Here is a picture of the 2 them relaxing together. By the way, he also loves to play the piano. :)

Enid Berkovits