Our girl Maddy

In the 40 years my husband and I have been together, we've always had shelter dogs and loved each and every one of them.
We were down to just one dog and he was definitely my husband's. I told him I wanted a dog. He said we'd go to the shelter the coming weekend. Then he had to work. He said we'll definitely go the following weekend no matter what. So, I went to work that Monday, and my office manager had a dog that she never wanted, but her adult kids thought she needed one. All I ever heard was Maddy can't get on the couch, Maddy can't get on the bed, Maddy couldn't do anything. She then told me that she was taking Maddy back to the shelter 'cuz her asthma was back and it was caused by the dog (that she didn't want). So I said why don't you bring her over after work and let us look at her. We'll keep her over night and let your know in the morning if we want to keep her. She brought Maddy over with her bed, toys, food and paperwork!!! When I looked at Maddy my thought was this isn't the kind of dog I wanted, not that I had a clue what I wanted. But, we didn't want her going back to the shelter. We had our sweet girl for 14 wonderful years. The night we got her I left her bed in the living room with her on it and went to bed. When I got up during the night she was laying on the floor next to my side of the bed. I knew then that this was my girl. Being part Afghan, she was very aloof and not a snuggle kind of dog, but she loved us and we loved her. I retired a year after we got her so she went everywhere with me, and I loved taking her.
I've loved all our dogs but this one was special. Every time I looked at her my heart filled with love.
We lost Maddy a year ago and I still cry while writing about her. I've never felt such emptiness since she's been gone. It's taken me this long to get past the big hurt and really want to look for another dog. So we are starting to look now. We've never gone this long without a dog.
I was given a necklace that is a heart with doggie paws on it and it holds her ashes. I think of her every time I touch it. She made our lives whole, and I miss her every minute of every day.

Sandy Olsson