Our Blake Shelton

My husband & I said goodbye to our Husky/Shepherd, Lysa, to salivary gland cancer in Oct 2017. We were devastated. The house was so quiet & our grief was great. We were both just "looking" at various Husky websites to see if one caught our eye. One day in March 2018 we found a husky that interested us so we traveled an hour to go meet this 7 year old boy. They had a "Voice" theme going on with some of the dogs. It was here we found our Blake Shelton. We found out his owners just opened the door & let him go because they thought he had cancer because he had a lump on his shoulder. In the end it was just a fatty cyst & Blake is perfectly healthy with no sign of cancer. The rescue called the owners who didn't want him. Their loss is our gain. Blake has filled our hearts with the love of a dog again. The past 11 months have been a work in progress. He is the laziest, most loving husky you could ever meet & no one believes he is almost 8! Blake loves training, running like the wind in my Dad's yard & treeing squirrels, going to "camp" to see his many friends, his spot to sleep on the couch, & going on walks. He happily greets us when we get home from work. There is nothing like the wag of a tail with kisses to greet you after a day of work. Everyone wants to pet him & tells him he is so beautiful & they love his ginger coloring. He doesn't talk very much, which in unusual for a Husky but when he snuggles us we know what he is saying. We have given him a wonderful home, but he really saved us!

Lisa Piscitello