My wonderful feline friends

I have had many, many cats share my life over the years; I don't think I can pick just one, so I'll say a little about a few of them.

First, Marmalade: When I was 8, coming home from school I carried a big ginger tabby with me. He didn't have a home, my mom said he wouldn't stay, but he never left. He was my first pet, my first cat. He was gentle & patient, and I still miss him. He let me dress him in doll clothes and give him a bath; he was just grateful for a family.

Then there was my tiny Pippin, a little girl who followed me everywhere, loved me & made me feel special.

Later, there was Pepe, a grey & tan tabby who would wrap his body around my head when I had to lay down because of a migraine. He purred, cuddled, and stayed with me until the headache was better. He was tall, thin, and didn't take anything from any other cat.

And Tipper--a tiny kitten who grew into a 20+ lb. cat. His fur was black with silver tips, but once he knew his name, all that grew out, so that he was solid black, nose to toes to tail tip. He was the 'official greeter' in our home for years, announcing/welcoming visitors but insisting upon a scratch & pet. He also had the loudest voice I've ever heard from a cat, never scratched anyone in his over 17 years in spite of having claws I called scimitars. He also showed me love and patience during a difficult period in life.

There have been so many others: Angel, Jojo, Hamlet, Missy, and my current babies, Mia, Smudge and Taco.

Mia is my rescue from Hawaii; she was abandoned upstairs from us, 15 years ago. She's a terrible nag, but I'd never change her! Smudge is what I refer to as 'Wide-Eyed Innocence.' She's sweet, cuddly, and mothers all the other members of her family--cats, dog & people. Taco is also a big solid-black cat, with the distinction of being a polydactyl with 7 claws & toes on each front paw. I love them all, miss those who are gone, and hope to see them all again someday. They were with me when I needed them most and made my life better every day they were with me.

Jana F