My soul kitty

We lost our first kitty together, "Itsa" in April of 1998, 18 days after we lost my Dad. The grief was unbearable. That December, we decided it was time to adopt another kitty to love. We met "Holly" 9 days before Christmas of that same year, and although I was still grieving my double loss, it was time. When we met Holly, it was love at first sight and I just knew she was "the one for me". I cried before we brought her home but my husband confirmed that we were giving another kitty a home to be loved in. We took to me like glue and she became my baby, my soul kitty, my best friend. She would stare at me like I was the only thing in the world that mattered to her and she shared so many kisses and constantly purred with contentment. She would call out to me when I wasn't in the same room with her and I swear when she did, it sounded like she was saying "Hello". We lost her in November of 2018 after 20 full loving years, and my life will never be the same without her. I still cry without her companionship, but we were so fortunate to have her in our lives. She would have been 21 on September 20, 2019. Miss you, "Mom's Love".

Flossie O'Donnell