My Precious

My Precious entered my life as a stray that was living under my neighbor's home. She was only about 2 -3 months old... and I was going to try to find her a "home" if I could catch her. I had given my neighbor food for her. One typical rainy afternoon in the summer in Florida, the intense thunder and lightning caused me to think about her all day when I was taking my elderly Mom to a medical appointment. All I could do was think about her, and I vowed to take her in when I got home and take her to the vet the next day for placement in a home. The rest is history. She came out to me and let me pick her up - no one else could - kissed my cheek, and she bonded instantly with me. I was looked upon with such love that I had to keep her. Since then she encouraged my Mom when she was slowly dying and helped her want to live; my Mom lived for 2 more years. She has also helped me in some very challenging health problems and losses, and health issues I continue to have, as well as when my Mom died. She knows what I am feeling before I do, and smothers me with kisses and hugs and headbutts, and purrs. She "rescued" me and my Mom; she is my love and gift from heaven.

Myrtle Pfister