My Joy

A few years back I was going through a very difficult time. I was praying to find joy in my life. The depression put me in a very dark place and I just couldn't get away from that dark cloud of depression that looked over me. We starting talking about getting a dog and my husband thought it might be just what I needed. But at the same time we wanted to rescue a dog. We wanted to be what a dog needed too. So I began my search on Petfinder. When I saw her picture I fell in love immediately. This poor girl had been through so much in her young life. She had been running from who knows what type of situation and was hit by a truck and left for dead. She was put in a cage basically to die. Her time was up. But THANKFULLY our dear friends at Susie Q Dog ResQ saved her precious life just in time. Little did they know they were saving mine too. She had some deep lacerations and a broken leg. A pink cast was put on her leg and they took her home to heal and to get her ready for her forever home. When they posted her on Petfinder I immediately saw her and inquired. They insisted she would need extra TLC to heal. I was ready to take care of her. But as much as she needed me, I needed her. Because she was such a happy girl during this ordeal she was given the name Joy. It's perfect. My prayers were answered. I found my Joy. They insisted she needed lots of care while she was recovering. I was ready to take care of her. We have bonded in a way that my husband describes as unlike anything he has seen. She needs me and she is there to lend a helping paw or 4 when needed. She is what I call my "soul mutt". A couple years ago she received her CGC title which I am very proud of. There's a saying, "who rescued who?" I'll let you decide. :)

Jennifer Wright