My Jazzy cat

Right before Thanksgiving 2017 I was looking at cats on my local humane society website. Ten yrs earlier I had adopted my cat Jade from there. Jade is now 13 and it got me thinking about getting a second cat. A picture of the most adorable calico cat named Maria caught my attention. I wanted to go see her in person, but no longer drive, so I needed a ride there. I put out the word on my church Facebook page; it was Thanksgiving weekend and most people were out of town, so finding a ride wasn't easy. I kept looking at Maria on the website, wishing I could adopt her and that the $100 adoption fee would be more affordable. It was beginning to look like I might not get to see her in person. So I said a little prayer that she'd find a forever home even if it wasn't with me. Then in the 11th hour, a friend from church said she could take me to the humane society!! When we walked in I saw Maria in her cage.... on the front of it was a huge neon pink sign that said her adoption fee was half price! Only $50!! In that moment I knew she was meant to be mine, because my two prayers had been answered!! I took her home that day and renamed her Jasmine! She is the sweetest cat and I am blessed to be her 'mom'!!

Lori Fiano