My fluffball

This story begins long long ago, in December of 1999. I was at the local Humane Society of Broward County looking for a kitten. I looked in every window, trying to find the one that I would connect with to bring home. Then, I saw her. A little black and white fluffball in the corner. I wrote her name down on a card (I have forgotten what name they gave her there) and handed it to the woman so that they could bring her to me in a private room to see if we meshed. This little fluffball and I bonded immediately. I did the necessary paperwork and brought her home. I named her Momo. I didn't really know what to expect since she was my first real pet as an adult, a being I would be responsible for. She was a mischievous kitten, like all of them are, always getting into something. Knocking things off of shelves, unrolling toilet paper, getting a severe case of the zoomies at 2am. She was a snuggler and loved to sit next to me. She was wary of new people for about 5 minutes, but then would weave around their legs, purring and asking to be pet. She also really liked people-foods, but her favorites were black beans, chips and coffee! If you didn't watch your coffee cup, she would sneak in and dip her paw in it and lick the coffee. She was with me through heartbreaks, triumphs, moves, career changes; all of life's highs and lows. If I was sad, she would come and sit on my leg or chest until I stopped crying. If I was happy and excited, she would zip around like she was excited, too. She was the best friend I never knew I needed and was blessed to have. She stayed with me for TWENTY AND A HALF YEARS. My beautiful Momo crossed the rainbow bridge on April 30,2020 and while it is still very raw and painful, I have two decades worth of memories to hold in my heart. I can only hope everyone finds "their Momo" in a pet.

Christian D