My Bonnie Lass

After my husband passed away, I decided I needed another body in the house. I already had a 7 year old chocolate lab named Gus. So my daughter and I went to the local shelter looking for another larger dog. We ended up with a tiny female beagle mix named Bonnie. Bonnie was so small of stature that she could walk underneath Gus and her ears were so long they would flap uncontrollably whenever she ran through the yard. Well, Bonnie became the princess of our castle as soon as she moved in. She used Gus as her personal cushion, sitting on him whenever he lay down. They got along well. It was clear Bonnie had been an outside animal and getting her to adjust to being a house dog was challenging but well worth it.
Bonnie was definitely a Mama's girl. She was my shadow. If she was sound asleep and I left the room, her "mommy senses" kicked in and she was right by my feet. She was always very sweet. As Bonnie grew older her hearing and her eyesight both dimmed, but she never gave up her royal demeanor nor her love of me. After my Gus passed, Bonnie became big sister to a new rescue beagle and a kitten. She took the inconvenience in stride as royally as she could. When it was Bonnie's time to join her big brother on the other side, she was as brave a girl as I could ask for. As she peacefully passed on, I thanked her for being my princess and granting me the love she brought to my life. I still cry when I think of her and miss her very much.

Sherry S