My Beautiful Princess

On December 29, 2008, my baby brother, Cocoa, a toy poodle took his last breath in my arms as my dad turned the car off in the vet's parking lot. The whole car ride, he was looking out the car window towards the sky & I knew he was watching an angel ready to take him home to Heaven! I was beyond devastated! We were inseparable! He was my world for 13 1/2 years, since I was 8 & he was a baby! I carried him around everywhere like a baby on my hip & he thought our butts had to be touching when he sat next to me! Less than a month later, unbeknownst to me, a beautiful little chihuahua princess was born! On April 8, 2009, this little princess became my new baby sister! She's my world! In fact, one night a few months later, I was bawling thinking about how much I miss Cocoa, when all of the sudden, I could feel something his shape, size, & weight laying on my side & I heard a voice as clear as day saying, "I'm ok! I'm in Heaven with Jesus now & I'm doing great! Go be with Chloe now." Even though I knew all of that, to actually hear him say that & feel his presence gave me such a sense of peace! I grabbed Chloe (she was by my legs) & held her close! Everyone who knows me knows all about my precious Chloe! When I did student teaching, those children asked me about her every single day & their precious little faces lit up every time I referred to her in a test, assignment, or game! One thing Sissy's little princess loves is clothes! I can't resist buying her clothes! She has her own closet & will come running from another room & stick her head in if she sees me holding up a dress! She especially loves dresses with frilly skirts (she walks with her little butt swishing around when she has on one of these dresses & presses herself into the couch & makes herself weigh a ton when I try to take it off of her)! My little fashionista even likes to choose her outfit (I give her a few choices)! We love to watch tv together (although she can't stand insurance commercials - she barks like a mad woman at those) & she loves it when I read to her, especially children's books & devotionals! Chloe loves to go shopping, to a restaurant, or anywhere like that and she's all about riding in her stroller! We're cuddle buddies & kissy buddies (she will hardly ever kiss anyone else but full-on kiss-attacks me)! Perhaps her favorite "use for me" is to have me be her secretary, writing whatever she tells me to on her Facebook page! My favorite thing is when she cuddles next to me in bed & lays on my face! She doesn't do that too often, but when she does, I don't even care that I can hardly breathe because all I can think of is how much I love that little Booger Nugget! My other favorite thing is to pretend like I'm going to mess with Daddy or take her cookie/toy/food! It drives her crazy & she "attacks" & it's a favorite game for both of us because we both know we're just playing & being silly! She will even yell the actual words, "No, Laura!" (I know that's a hard one to believe but it's true! Ask my parents, who have heard it many times!) Too cute! There is no smell in the world better than Chloe when she's sleepy! I always say that I want to bottle it & wear it as a perfume! My mom says sleepy Chloe smells like Fritos, but I say she smells like love! LOL! She gets so embarrassed when I sing The Poopoo Song when there are people outside & she loves to steal socks & stuffed animals just to irritate me, but that's the kind of things sisters do & we couldn't possibly love each other more! Sissy loves you, Booger Nugget!!!!!
