Munchkin found her "furever home"

Years ago I looked out in our back yard and saw a tuxedo kitty hanging out there with our dog. I have a tender heart for animals, so I started feeding her. At first I thought she was a kitten she was so small, her legs seemed too short for the rest of her. She would flee anytime I got too close to her. Finally she allowed me to get close enough to see she was a female so I devised a way to catch her so I could have her spayed before she had kittens. I borrowed a humane trap and baited it with tuna fish and in a couple of nights I had her. I looked inside the trap and sure enough there was a black and white cat. I took her out to the vet and dropped her off to have her spayed, but the vet called later and said " Are you sure this is the cat you were trying to catch? This cat is a neutered male, and he is very well fed, not skinny like the cat you described, I I think this cat has a home and he seems well taken care of." So I went and picked him up and took him back to our alley. I set the trap down and opened the door and a black and white missile shot out of it and headed away like a streak, he never even looked back. Later that day the "real" rescue kitty showed up. She was very hungry and she came right up to me. I picked her up and called the vet and this time she did get spayed. Our vet said she had never seen a cat so skinny. She thought she was about 2 years old. I brought her home and she was my kitty for another 12 years. I named her Munchkin because of her short legs but that morphed to Munch cat. She passed from cancer and I sure hope she is waiting at that rainbow bridge.

Elaine A