Mosely's Second Chance

Hi, I'm Mosely, and I want to tell you about how I was given a second chance. I was supposed to be euthanized some time ago because my puppies were born with a birth defect. My previous human could not sell my puppies, so he brought me to a vet to be put to sleep. There was nothing physically wrong with me other than that one horrible defect. The vet could not do it. He sent me to an animal rescue or foster home (that's what I call it). I don't remember how long I was there, but I do remember the day I was adopted and given a second chance to be me. It was the fall season, it was really cool out. I was the last Chihuahua to be viewed by my current human. She fell in love with me right from the start. I did also. We bonded like glue. She loved on me so much on the car ride to my new home. We got to know each other really well, and I became her Emotional Support Companion. I comforted her in her desperate time of trouble. All she did was love me and hold me. We went everywhere together, even took plane rides, buses, and taxis, too. I was always her right-hand puppy, and still am to this day. I'm small, going on 16 years old. We have been together since I was about 3 1/2 years old. I am getting really old now, but that doesn't stop us from living life. We still do mostly everything together (if I feel up to it). Even though I have fur sisters and a fur brother, I know I am still number one in her heart. She takes care of me now, as I have her and will continue to do so. We have a trip planned for Christmas in Las Vegas. I will be 16 on Christmas day. What a wonderful life I have. I was given a second chance to be the puppy that I have dreamt of in my past life. Life is grand for me. I could not have asked for a better human. I love my present human unconditionally, and she loves me just the same!
