Little deaf Simon

On a very hot summer day, exactly a month after I had to put my favorite orange tabby boy “Loaf” to sleep, I was on a jog around my neighborhood. I was about half a block away from the chain link fence that separates the neighborhood street from the freeway when a teeny, tiny little white puff ball jumped out at me arching his back! I looked around and found no one who I might be able to talk with. I scooped him up and started walking around asking the few people outside if they might know where this kitty had come from. No one seemed to care of have much information. Having had prior experience fostering cats I knew enough to guess, based on his white coat and blue eyes, that he might be deaf. I brought him home, cleaned up his dirty little face and gave him food and water. It was so hot that day! My husband and I walked around the area I found him daily for several weeks and still found no fliers or could find no people who might claim this little munchkin. I was determined not to get attached and keep him since we already had three kitties but alas, he was ours. It’s been 6 1/2 years since that day and I thank my lucky stars every single day. Our guy is so funny, playful, sweet and LOUD. He lets out loud meows sometimes and my husband jokes it’s because he likes the feel of the vibrations in his head! He still plays games and romps around the house daily even though he’s six. We assume it must be because he’s deaf as we’ve never had such a playful adult cat. He makes us laugh daily and has brought us many years of pure joy. We just adore him. The fact that he showed up on the one month anniversary of losing my cherished boy Loaf... just proves how special he is. A little gift from the universe.
