Joey and Storm

We went to a shelter to get a dog, for one reason or another none of them would work for us. Then the woman says "Oh Joey is out for a walk, you need to meet him. He's shy, hides inside when people visit and has been here for 1 1/2 years". We met him in the parking lot, we decided he was the one. He went to pee on a tire of a car, the girl told him not to. We told her we guess he's claiming us, it was our car!! We picked him up a week later and they said he became so excited when they put the collar on him. Joey still gets worried when we have to take the collar off to switch tags. We call it his necklace.
Joey doesn't like most dogs but we thought he would enjoy a friend. So we went back to the same shelter a year later, we had no luck finding a buddy for him. A month after that, we went to a friend's, and a kitten approached us as we walked up. The itty bitty kitten played and napped. I explained to him I'm not a cat person. After almost being eaten by our friend's 2 dogs, we put the kitten in the truck and brought him home. After 2 weeks of introducing Joey and Storm, they became best friends. Storm now acts like a dog - Storm sprawls out anywhere, play-fights with Joey, greets people coming in and stands by the door when we leave. It's like having 2 dogs.
Joey is Storm's great protector and best friend. Joey doesn't even mind that Storm sits up on his feeding station while he eats. They drink out of the same bowl together. Kinda funny when he had almost been eaten by dogs at 6 weeks old. Sometimes when things don't work out, it's because the right one is just waiting for the puuurfect time. ❤
