Jax The Tux

Jax was left behind in February 2011 by his so called owners when they moved away. They abandoned him. Thankfully a kind neighbor saw him and tried to get him to come inside her house. It took two weeks of leaving food. Then he would sit on her deck and eventually she was able to get him inside. He was finally warm and safe. She had five cats already and couldn't keep him.

The kind lady was desperate to find him a home. She first tried shelters but they wouldn't take him because they told her he was too healthy. She reached out to friends and had them ask around if anyone would take him. If no one did her only option would be a kill shelter and that would be a very last resort.

One night I was just relaxing and my boyfriend came to me and asked if I would take in another cat and told me a bit of the story. I already had his cat George and thought I don't really want another cat. He then came back and said I have a picture of him. I rolled my eyes and said ok lets see it. I saw that picture and said with no hesitation, I want him!!!

I was at work when my boyfriend went to get him and I waited somewhat patiently for this poor sad looking guy. It seemed forever before he finally came home and empty handed. He told me he had Jax in our cat carrier but he ran from back to front and head butted the door and broke free. I was gutted. I felt bad for him as he was now outside freezing again.

Thankfully later that day Jax went back to the lady again and she was able again to get him inside. This time her boyfriend brought him out to us and finally we had him safe in our home. He ran into my daughters bedroom and hid under the bed right up against the wall so scared. I had got him supplies earlier and had him his own litter box, food and toys and I shut the door and let him be.

I would go in at times and check on him. He was coming out to eat and use his box which was a good sign, but he would quickly go hide under the bed. I would lay on the floor and just lay looking at him and talking to him but never pushing him.

He stayed in the bedroom for a month as I wasn't prepared and could not afford the vet visit and get him neutered but he was not alone. I stayed in there with him for that month, I would watch tv or be on my computer and I would sleep there at night. He came out and would lay in the crook of my legs and curl up and sleep until he felt safe to move closer to my face and let me cuddle him. He just wanted love which he never knew in his short life.

Once he was neutered and had his shots it was time to introduce him to George our other cat. It went well and I was so happy because I knew we would be keeping Jax. The kind lady named him Jackson but we made it Jax for Jax Teller in SOA.

I am so in love with him and so glad we finally got to have him in our life. He is amazing, funny, lovable , loves scritches and attention from us both. He is so super smart but so super skittish. I guess what happened in his short life before us will stick with him always, I don't know how he was treated but I can tell it wasn't good by how he reacts to certain things.

Jax is now 12 years old and I love him so much. He makes me smile everyday and when I have a bad day I just look at his sweet face and think how much I love him and so grateful that he is in my life. He rescued me.

Sharon Atkin
Oshawa, Canada