It's a Wonderful Dog's Life

I was living across the street from a Lake Michigan beach at the time. One summer evening, I heard a heartbreaking sound of a dog crying. I went outside and saw a couple trying to comfort a 50-pound mixed-breed dog, about a year old. The couple told me they had been strolling near the beach, and suddenly saw this dog run past them from a busy street toward the "No Diving" wall; he jumped over the wall and into the lake. The young man dived in and saved the dog from being knocked against the rocks (the lake was choppy that night). The couple was unable to take him in because they already had several dogs in a small apartment. He was so pretty, I was sure he belonged to someone, so I offered to take him in "for the night," thinking I would try to find his owner. That was 10 years ago. Happily for me, no previous owner stepped forward. Gaz has become my beloved companion, he has a hilarious sense of humor, and he's very sweet and patient toward the six cats he shares home with. The canine version of "It's a Wonderful Life!"

Chicago, IL