
My fourteen year old minature Schnauzer died on Jan. 5 and I grieved for weeks and weeks. Knowing that Ashes was not going to live much longer, I adopted a beautiful Skye Terrier just so there would be a dog in the house when Ashes was gone. Bella was just a god-send. She is definitely not a lap dog, but she was such a comfort for my broken heart. I love her so much that I adopted Sassy, a Shih Tzu, just so I'd have a lap dog. Both adoptions came from the Knoxville, TN area so I had two 14 hour trips to pick my new little angels up. They are worth every mile I had to drive, if for no other reason than they got me through the grieving in less time than if I'd not had a dog at all. Thank you Precious Paws Asian and Small Breed Dog Rescue for the wonderful work you do. Losing my Ashes was like losing a child, and you helped me deal with it.

June Hollis
Brandon, MS