From black and white to solid black

This poor little guy was born in my friend's shed and somehow a paint can tipped over and he laid in it. He was only three weeks old when I found him, but I knew if I didn't rescue him, he wouldn't survive. I took him to the vet, who told me to bring him back in a week so his hair could grow a little longer. I hand fed him every 3 hours that week, and tried to pick off some of the paint to no avail. When the week was up, I took him back to the vet, who shaved him to get the paint off.

His name was originally "Picasso", which we thought very appropriate considering his start in life. However, when he meowed, he sounded just like a mosquito flying by so we changed his name to "Skeeter Bug".

He also had a fetish for paper towels, so we had to hide them from him for the first two years. He's over his addiction now, because we can leave them out without fear of him attacking them!

We love our beautiful SOLID BLACK boy, who is now 10 years old. Even though he had a traumatic start in life, he's become a very handsome and loving fur baby.

Woodie Sayles