Foreclosed home; foreclosed cat?

A musician friend of mine posted on Facebook that he was losing his house (after 25 years) to foreclosure. Not only that, but he was leaving the state as his mother had terminal cancer and he wanted to spend time with her. That left nowhere for Mimi to go. Facebook friends told him not to give her to a shelter. I had recently (one month prior) lost my cat (inherited when my Dad passed away) to the rainbow bridge, and was not looking for another cat just yet. However, I couldn't imagine this 6 yr old girl going to a shelter. So, sight unseen, my friend and I drove over 100 miles one way to pick up a cat I had never met. It's been a little over a year now and she's settling in quite nicely. Still a [feisty] "scaredy-cat" but now she sleeps with me, sits by me watching TV and constantly begs for treats. She's a keeper!

Kimiko Simpson