Finding Ruby

I had recently lost my dog Sheba and wanted to bring another female into my home. I was looking for a German Shepherd mix. I came across an ad for a female Shepherd mix so I went to see her. She ended up being a Australian Shepherd mix but also ended up coming home with me! Her name was Ruby!

At the time, I had recently lost my husband and she was a great comfort to me. She loved my other dogs RD and Zero and would play with them all the time. As time went by, I started dating again and met my current husband. He had left his glasses on the coffee table in the living room when we went to bed. We got up the next morning and could not find them any where.

Now Ruby was a chewer, but it never crossed our minds that she would have taken his glasses. On a whim, I decided to check her kennel. Sure enough, there were his glasses. But what was amazing is that she didn't chew them up!

We ended getting married and merged our homes. All the dogs got acclimated to the new home and my husband got acclimated to them (he did not have any pets). Ruby loved us all!

As the years went by, we lost RD and then recently Zero. Ruby decided that she only has eyes for my husband! She follows him every where he goes. When we go into the living room to watch tv, she hops up on the sofa and lays next to him. No room for me!!! She finally found her true love and he loves her back. If I try to discipline her, he will whisper to her that it is okay he will take care of her.

Lisa Wimberly