Duke has a purpose...

We were looking for a companion for our beautiful Bessie (half Staffy/half Jack Russell) as she had recently lost her buddy, Bettina. Bessie gets separation anxiety and we knew we had to find another dog to placate her...enter little Duke (half Chihuahua/half Jack Russell). I had searched online for about three months until I saw Duke, who had been placed with a small dog rescue group. We took Bessie for a meet and greet and then brought him home. Initially, Bessie was like "What is he doing in MY house ?!" but with a few strategies and lots of walks together, she realised he was here to stay and now, nearly 6 years later, they are best buddies. It's amazing how another dog can placate her so that she is able to be left alone with Duke while we go to work, go shopping etc. Duke is 3 years younger than Bessie and smaller and has fulfilled his purpose in being a great companion for Bessie and an absolutely beloved pet for us. He has a very quirky personality and has settled in so well into our family. When we first got him, his chest was very hairless, probably through stress. He had been abandoned by his owners and placed with another family but sadly one of their dogs bullied him and so they had to surrender him to the rescue group. Now he is relaxed and very loved and all his hair has grown back. We were very lucky to get him !

Andrea Murray
Melbourne, Australia