Brathwr, Snake-Killer

My sister, Maureen, asked me to share this story of her cat, Brathwr (Welsh for "biter") (The photo is only representative of Brathwr.)

In Africa, Brathwr was the only cat I ever saw in Sierra Leone. This handsome grey tabby came out of the jungle and came to me when I called him. Asking around, I found out he’d been abandoned by those who’d brought him when they returned to their home country. I crouched down to pet him, and he jumped into my lap, purring away. I stood up, and he stayed in my arms purring while I stroked him. As I carried him home purring, he bit my thumb, HARD, hence his name.

Simon lived on the other side of the garage from my house. He didn’t like Brathwr; in a country where the average individual got only 49% of daily minimum protein requirements, an animal kept solely as a pet seemed a decadent luxury. Then one day, Simon was coming out of the garage when he saw a 5 foot black snake sunning itself in front of the garage. He started backing into the garage, and the snake followed him. He was terrified and had nothing to defend himself with. He was sure he was dead.

Brathwr dashed into the garage, jumped the snake, bit its head off, and then vomited it up! After that, nothing was too good for the miraculous snake-killing cat. Watchdogs were good to deter thieves, but even a watchdog wouldn't save you from a snake. Neighbours and students came from all over to see the snake-killing cat, and he was much revered until his death.

He was also a sweet snuggler when he didn't have the biting urge.
