Best of Friends

We found our big girl Aja (lab/Dalmatian mix) in a shelter In Thornton, Colorado in October, 2004. She was very timid and frightened as we walked past barking dogs to the play yard. I couldn't possibly take her back through the chaos to that kennel, so we adopted her on the spot. Five years later in April, 2009, I found Bo (Bichon Frise) outside our home. He looked like he had been on his own for some time, very dirty and matted with a few bumps, scrapes and a torn ear. The vet checked his chip for an owner but was not registered, so I immediately registered him to us and had him groomed. They were best buddies for 9 years until Aja went to doggie heaven October 8th, 2018. She's now waiting at the Rainbow Bridge for us to join her. And Bo, in the meantime, is very spoiled and loved!

Debbie Gauer