Beautiful Sophie and The Amazing Scratch

When we lost our Rowdy to coyotes, we had to get a cat to replace him. He had snuck out and we didn’t notice it.
We went to the shelter to look for one and as soon as we opened the door we heard Sophie yowling! We walked by her cage and she stuck out her paw and looked at me with her bright green eyes and I opened up the door and took her out and she was quiet.
The staff said, “ Thank God! She does that constantly!”
She had belonged to a lady that spoiled her and died. Her family had brought her there and she had been adopted and brought back four times because she loved to get and give attention. Mostly get, which the others didn’t want to do.
I put her back in her cage and she started up again. We looked around and eventually came back to her and they said, “If you take her, we’ll give her to you!”.
We took her home and had 15 wonderful love filled years with her. She developed kidney disease and we had to put her down about a month ago. The house is quieter now, even with five other fur babies. We miss her terribly.
At the same time we went to an adoption event at PetSmart where we found Scratch. He was an alley cat that was just laying in his cage watching the world go by. My wife fell in love with him although there was another one with a bad foot that had been caught in a trap that I liked better. She won out and I am glad she did because Scratch the Wonder Cat has given us 15 magical years!
He loves spicy pork rinds and spicy jerky. He loves lunch meat and will park by the fridge and drive us crazy meowing until he gets it! He is the calming influence for the other cats and plays like a kitten. Unfortunately he drives my wife crazy with his relentless persistence but she loves him anyway.
He loves to sit in my lap and he likes my legs crossed a certain way, letting me know if they don’t suit him. We know that his time is coming but we are determined to get and give as much joy and love as possible from his remaining time.
Whenever I hear someone say, “Stupid cat.”, I always say,”The cat’s not stupid, you’re just too stupid to understand it!”.
We have adopted three others and my wife gave me a Russian Blue for Christmas one year. They all let us live here to take care of them. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
If you don’t have a cat, get two and watch your world turn into a better place!

Mike Ruckman