Beagles running wild

Our retirement home is in a lovely wooded area, where homes were built on what used to be farmland. The person who owned the land had beagles, lots of beagles, & they ran all over our development. I saw two of them in our yard, and fell in love at first sight. When I learned that the two females had been picked up by animal control, I called & told them I wanted to adopt them. I didn't know they were both pregnant, so we brought home the 2 mamas & 4 puppies, just 3 days old. I was in heaven. One puppy died, but we found homes for the other 3 and kept the two mamas. We had to house-train them for everything. We lost a few books, some shoes, and they chewed on our sofa table. We use to lay puppy pads all over our carpet at night. But finally, they were mostly house broken. I learned that my two beagles were mother & daughter. It didn't take long for their son & brother to be adopted by us. We had his mother & sister, so he joined the family too! I have loved them the entire time, that was 10 years ago. I only have the son, Bandit, left. We lost Mama & Miley to cancer. Even with the pain of their loss, I wouldn't change a thing. They brought so much laughter & love into our lives!

Supplee Family