Bad luck good luck

I've spent years doing animal rescue on my own. We had tossed around the idea of another dog, but didn't act on the idea. We've had 3 pyrenees and voiced we might want another one. Needless to say we received a call saying there was a pyrenees in need of help.
So in the middle of planting peach trees we dropped our shovels and headed out to find this dog.
Her original owners had driven her out of her home and forced her across a busy highway and into the woods to fend for herself all before her first birthday.
There had been a couple in the area putting out calls and through the dog vine we were called with, " have we got a deal for you"!
Needless to say this dog had been on her own for quite awhile. Her coat had grease, dirt, debris, oil, mats and unknown health issues to surface.
We found her in the woods behind a gate and very willing to come out to us. She didn't show any signs of aggressive behavior toward us. In fact she laid her head on my lap as I talked her.
My husband and I looked at one another and said ok let's go home. The couple who had put out the call couldn't keep her due to renting their home and already had a dog.
Once we loaded her in the truck we headed home with a detour to our groomer. We called asking for help and she said bring her over to the shop now. Needless to say after a bath and a complete shave down, other problems showed up.
The fist issue were her back feet, deformed, knock knees and a bloody discharge. Our groomer first thought the dog had parvo but that wasn't the answer, as she ate and drank water.
At our first vet visit she received her shots and a minor going over with all is well. That wasn't the case at all. Our second visit to another vet for a spay, she had a bladder infection and was in the early stages of pregnancy. The vet handled all of these issues after the fact and we went on our way. Thinking we were out of the woods again, more health problems cropped up several weeks later. Now she had an eye, ear and continuing bladder infection. Meds, meds and more meds. The only problem she didn't have was heartworms. After several rounds of antibiotics for every issue, she was coming along, her coat started growing out.
All through the vets and meds again she was very docile and seem to know she was safe.
Now what were we going to do about a name and a home? The bad luck dog is now Lucy and due to her size and breed we decided she should stay with us. We didn't feel like turning her over to another owner was in her best interest.
Lucy is healthy, greets everyone who comes to the house. We are still working on getting her acquainted with our other dogs as all are herding in nature and all have their territory.
Lucy doesn't seem to mind her back feet and knee issues. She has speed chasing squirrels and her favorite toys are nursery containers to toss in the air, play soccer with, and wear on her head.
We do know there may be other health issues that may come to the forefront as this breed is very prone to cancer. We will love, protect and care for her like we do for all of our animals as long as she is with us. We feel lucky to have her loving nature in our lives.
