Baby Bumblebee

In June of 2016, I heard a chirping sound outside beneath my bedroom window.
I didn't think much of it at first; I assumed it was a bird, but after it was still going on a hour later I went outside to see why.
Inside my window well, there was a tiny, mostly white kitten all alone.
It was getting dark, so I emptied a box, put a towel and the kitten inside the box and headed to the nearest grocery store for kitten formula and a tiny bottle.
I looked up "infant kittens" on my phone to see what to do.
The kitten appeared to be about 2 weeks old, so it needed bottlefed every 3 hours and stimulation to potty.
My two 2 year old male/female littermates took over potty duty like the kitten was their own while I continued to bottlefeed.
Originally I believed the kitten was male; and it was mostly white with a reddish goatee, so I named it Albus James (After Albus Dumbledore from Harry Potter) and called it Alby.
A few days later, I realized that Alby was a female. I kept the nickname, but changed her name to Albreanna Jamesyn. (Dumbledore's full name was Albus Percival Wulfrich Brian Dumbledore)
Now, 3 years later, she still goes by Alby sometimes, but she's usually called Bee. (Dumbledore is an ancient term for Bumblebee.) She is the sweetest, most loving cat ever. She still adores my 2 older (now 5 year old) cats, and will cuddle with them just like they did when she was a baby.

Melissa Lewis