B.B. Stands for Big Boy

My son looked out the window one day, and there was a tiny kitten underneath his car. It took a lot of coaxing, but we finally managed to catch him. He had one eye that was infected. We made a trip to the vet, and they said he probably wasn't more than four weeks old... and he was a very sick little kitten. We loaded up with medicine and took him home. My daughter wrapped him in a towel like a papoose and carried him around with her literally for two weeks, all the while administering medication and giving him baths in Dawn for the flea infestation. He's a year old now and doing well. We have five cats, and he runs the household! My heart breaks every time I read one of these stories about people dropping off or abusing their pets. They're family... and they are lifetime commitments.

Carol Kemp