Abandoned Kitty Left to Fend for Himself

11 years ago I fell in love with a neighbor's cat. He slept on my patio table when the sun was out and on a chair underneath it when the rain came down; then I heard they had moved away. He had become a bit wild so it took some doing to catch him, but he's become my strictly indoor kitty now & he's the dearest thing in my life. Not to brag, but even his doctor says he's extremely intelligent, he learned to sit in 2 1/2 days--never had a dog that did that! He's quite the little communicator too; a voice for "it's 3PM and I need loves on the bed Mommy", a voice for after I've been gone for 3 hours, "I'm soooo happy you're home, I've been all alone for 5 weeks & I didn't think you were ever coming back ", one for "it's time for me to eat meat NOW", and yet a different one for "I want to go outside in my carrier right now!" He's not a snuggler unless it's chilly but he sure makes up for it in nuzzles with his cold, wet nose, and each morning we groom each other; for some reason he particularly likes my lips--ARG! We go for walks on a leash, & now he likes to go camping. He even goes potty in the woods like a big cougar. He's the bestest ever...
his Mommy
